Dear 801 or 803


So while getting terribly ill in a Memphis hotel that shall remain nameless – I became oddly familiar with the occupant of what I can only assume is room 801 or 803 directly above me. First of all – I am quite intrigued by a grown person who has so many – marbles? Coins? Chiclets? Super-loud-when-they-hit-the-tile-floor-things in their possession. Whatever you repeatedly drop on the floor or in the bathtub en masse several times a day, I have to say the decibel level is impressive.

Secondly, good for you for keeping in shape on your travels. While I am sure it is something far cooler – in my NyQuil induced stupor I imagine you doing prancersize with your pockets full of marbles, spitting chiclets into the bathroom and seeing how many coins you can bounce from your tile floor into your tub. I also picture you in a polyester leisure suit with an oddly festive bandana on your head – we’ll assume the NyQuil is at play in the later visual.

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